Capacitize - capacitize - definition of capacitize Manufacturing term applied to nearing full capacityWe need to make sure the line is fully capacitized to reach our true potential. Capacitation definition, to make capable enable. Capacitize definition of capacitize - Manufacturing term. (11) Studies have shown that b.production is one the first events of capacitation and the involvement of ROS generated in adenylyl cyclase and tyrosine activation is clearly demonstrated.
Capacitate definition: to make legally competent Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. Capacitation definition is - the change undergone by sperm in the female reproductive tract that enables them to penetrate and fertilize an egg.
Capacitize definition of capacitize - Manufacturing term
capacitation: kah-pastashun the process by which the glycoprotein coat and the seminal proteins are removed from the surface of the sperm s acrosome by substances secreted by the uterus or fallopian tubes of the female genital tract, thereby permitting the acrosome reaction to occur. Capacitation is the penultimate step in the maturation of mammalian spermatozoa and is required to render them competent to fertilize an oocyte. Capacitation synonyms, capacitation pronunciation, capacitation translation, English dictionary definition of capacitation. Sep 2 20Advance directives require the person making them not only to be capacitous but also to have autonomy that is, to be making their decision(s) freely and without coercion or undue influence from others.
Capacious synonyms, capacious pronunciation, capacious translation, English dictionary definition of capacious.
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Capable of containing a large quantity spacious or roomy: a capacious office building. This step is a biochemical event the sperm move normally and look mature prior to capacitation. Avoir ans, cest tre riche de mille moments.
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Citation de Henri-Fr d ric Amiel Journal intime, le septembre 1856. Claudine Decaux (Marseille, France) Viadeo Claudine Decaux (Marseille, France). Dans cet article nous vous expliquons si laposon doit dire UN oasis ou UNE oasis. Dans le cas de notre exemple prcdent, on en apprendrait plus sur la cinquime semaine de grossesse.
En avez-vous marre d envoyer des SMS maladroits cette fille que vous aimez tant? Enfin, lefficacit est exactement la mme que celle dun dentifrice industriel. Il y avait un tel amour entre eux que capos tait beau voir. LENFANCE DU PERVERS NARCISSIQUE Dans la T te des Autres Cette faible estime de soi est lorigine dune enfance chou e. La loi du instaur la cration d un tribunal correctionnel pour mineurs pour les rcidivistes gs de ans lorsque le dlit encouru est puni d une peine gale ou suprieure trois ans d emprisonnement. Le cot du divorce est alors alourdi par les moluments du notaire et les droits fiscaux de partage (de l actif brut).
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